The Women+ of Color Project

We are excited to welcome you to the 2021 W+OCP Graduate School Applications Workshop on October 9-11! As an active participant you will have access to three full days of interactive content discussing how to choose a graduate program, what to expect when you arrive, and tips and tricks on how to survive – and thrive – in your journey!

I was so excited to receive this email from The Women+ of Color Project - as a woman of color, I was looking forward to this workshop and interacting with people who, like me, were interested in the graduate school journey.


I was going to be a part of a 3 day program, with important workshops that would help you with key parts related to your graduate school application.
We had sessions on the following -

  • How to choose a graduate program
  • Writing your Statement of Purpose
  • Getting recommendations
  • Funding
  • Attending graduate school as an international student

In addition to that, there were workshops on adulting, mental health, and impostor syndrome (one of my favourite ones!); stuff people rarely talk about when it comes to graduate school.

There were also keynote speeches by many academics - my favourite ones were those by Dr. Cassandra Extavour and Dr. Malika Grayson.

A lot of these workshops are open to the public too!

I got to meet a lot of amazing W+OC in STEM fields through this workshop, and honestly, one day, I only hope to be a part of the grad school community and be able to give back to this amazing group of people.

research gradschool